# entourage-cli

Client for entourage

See repository page chriskalmar/entourage for more information.

# Install

Using npm:

npm install entourage-cli

or using yarn:

yarn add entourage-cli

# Example use with a CI pipeline

# initialize profile with the name 'demo'
# using the project's '.entourage.js' file as config
entourage-cli init demo

# using custom '.entourage.js' file as config
entourage-cli init demo --file test/.entourage.js

# meanwhile perform regular CI tasks
# like linting, building and so on

# check if profile is ready for up to 180 seconds before failing
entourage-cli wait demo 180

# collect generated ports and export them as environment variables
# e.g.
# PORT_httpbin_80=37820
# PORT_hello_80=47762
$(entourage-cli env demo)

# use new environment variable to configure your project
# and run integration tests

# clean up entourage server to free up resources
entourage-cli destroy demo

# continue with further CI tasks

# Modules


# Command

# Command~readConfig(configPath) ⇒ objet

Read config file (JS | JSON)

Kind: inner method of Command
Returns: objet - config

  • Config file X not found
Param Type
configPath string

# Command~checkConfig(config) ⇒ boolean

Check config content

Validate url, profile and timeout presence

Kind: inner method of Command

  • Invalid config
Param Type
config object

# Command~init(argv)

Init command

Trigger initProfile mutation on entourage-server

Kind: inner method of Command

Param Type
argv object

# Command~wait(argv)

Wait command

Trigger profileCreated subscription on entourage-server

Kind: inner method of Command

Param Type
argv object

# Command~destroy(argv)

Destroy command

Trigger destroyProfile mutation on entourage-server

Kind: inner method of Command

Param Type
argv object

# Command~env(argv)

Env command

Trigger getProfileStats query on entourage-server

Kind: inner method of Command

Param Type
argv object

# Request

# Request~request(req) ⇒ object

Create a request

Kind: inner method of Request
Returns: object - response

Param Type
req object


Name Type
req.config object
req.query string
req.variables object

# Subscribe

# Subscribe~eventBus : EventEmitter

Kind: inner constant of Subscribe

# Subscribe~subscribe(sub) ⇒ MQTTClient

Create a subscription

Send an event back onMessage

Kind: inner method of Subscribe
Emits: event:eventName

Param Type
sub object


Name Type
sub.config object
sub.eventName string

# Subscribe~EventEmitter

Kind: inner typedef of Subscribe

# Subscribe~MQTTClient

Kind: inner typedef of Subscribe